We have taken on lots of really exciting projects this month. We love the brief from our new Tufnell Park client to create a magical garden for their little boy. Amongst the landscape elements in our design (from hibernaculum and cairns to hobbit holes) is a really nifty wildflower mound into which we are building a slide. We also really enjoyed building a den out of living willow and know our clients will love seeing the willow green up over the next few months. We would urge more of you out there to build willow dens, but alas – it’s too late now! Once the willow is no longer dormant and starts budding, it’s no longer advisable to work with it. If you would like us to build you a living willow den/structure, you will have to wait until October!
Whilst we have been hugely busy over the past couple of weeks sowing grass seed for many of our clients (lots of white clover and fragrant pollinator lawns!), for one new client who has moved into a new build we are actually laying a species rich wildflower turf. We are really excited about working with this turf as an alternative to a standard monoculture grass lawn, as it has improved biodiversity (over 20 low growing wildflower species)
On another building regulatory note, this lawn will help meet standards such as BREEAM and the Code for Sustainable Homes.
Much of the soft landscaping we have designed for our clients over the last few weeks has included the creation of really interesting pockets and islands of pollinator rich grasses.
Imagine a lazy Summer eve, sipping a glass o’ homemade Elderflower bubbly, breathing in the aroma of a fragrant pollinator lawn …