From Scented Planters to Fruity Climbers

The start of February sees us busily bee-vering away on eleven really exciting projects – and this is meant to be the dormant season! From a client brief to create year-round scented planters for a school entrance, to creating a vertical design for a small garden in Camden – from creating a woodland slope in a lovely shady garden, to designing a mini orchard, it’s all go here.

Don’t forget that now is the time to get planting those bare-rooted fruit trees/shrubs. We are busily planting fan-trained cherry trees in particular at the moment. We are particularly loving the Cherry ‘Sunburst’ and ‘Stella’. These 15L fan trained cultivars will also bear lovely white flowers in the Spring. Not forgetting to mention the sour Cherry ‘Morello’ which is fab in tarts and jams, and is also semi-shade tolerant. If you would like some advice on how to select bare-rooted cultivars, give us a call!

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