We are off this afternoon to pick up the following great awards for several of our school designs/campaigns:
Fitzjohns Primary School – Greenest School in Camden 2012/2013
Fitzjohns Primary School – 1st prize in horticultural/eco links to the curriculum
St Pauls Primary School – Second best food growing school in Camden.
Our view is however, that we are all winners. In Camden alone, so many schools now have beneficial and productive gardens, grounds and food growing clubs. Recent research by the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) on behalf of the RHS has proved that students involved in school gardening were reported as providing pupils with:
- Greater scientific knowledge and understanding
- Enhanced literacy and numeracy, including the use of a wider vocabulary and greater oracy skills
- Increased awareness of the seasons and understanding of food production
- Increased confidence, resilience and self esteem
- Development of physical skills, including fine motor skills
- Development of a sense of responsibility
- A positive attitude to healthy food choice
- Positive behaviour
- Improvements in emotional well being.
We will soon be starting to work with a Camden Montessori school helping turn their grounds into an even more magical, wildlife friendly and productive space with the aim of inspiring their nursery aged pupils and the community around them.