How can it be May, our fave month of the year, already?
April flew by in a maze of several our new client garden designs being planted up; herbaceous perennials eagerly re-emerging through the soil, new veg seeds germinating and lots of new client pruning, planning & shaping.
And now early May has arrived with its beautiful blue wash of forget-me-nots self seeding all around, along with ramsons – wild garlic, now at their peak of aroma and pretty white flora.
From self seeders to heavy feeders, it’s that time of year again where we get busy feeding all our clients plants’ with blood fish/bone, and seaweed. We love to use organic, chemical free products, but even better are those we make ourselves! It’s easy – simply chop up leaves of nettles and comfrey plants, submerge in a bucket of water and leave for a few weeks! The result – a really effective nitrogen fertilizer for hungry feeders; and comfrey, which is high in potash/potassium – is great for flowering.
Talking edible landscapes, our fave plant of the month is bolted rocket. Yes, you read it right! Rocket, which is so quick and easy to grow (4 weeks at this time of year) is not only absolutely delish, but when left to bolt, it sends out shafts of lovely ivory cream flowers which are not only really great for beneficial insects, but very beautiful to look at. We are loving our early spring edible displays of flowering rocket alongside bronze fennels, soon to be complimented by wild carrot (Daucas carota) and dill.
Come and meet us any Friday afternoon at The Well Beeing Garden, James Wigg Practice, Kentish Town Health Centre, Bartholemew Rd, NW5 from 4pm -5:15pm where we curate a session of hort-therapy. Or if you need any inspiration for your garden or community plot, give us a call.